www.ratemyactors.com - Rate My Actors
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Newest Reviews

Julian Vlcan
Great sense of humor I recently had the pleasure of working with Julian on a commercial shoot and...
John Sutton
An Exceptional Performance by John I had the pleasure of working with John on our latest short film project, and...
Stephanie Lesh
Great job! Did a great job on our film. Knew her lines, and was prompt to reply to emails....
Roscoe Robinson
Professionalism in Acting Working with Roscoe on our project was great. He came to set with a well-prepared...
Caitlin Gallogly
Ok but did not look like her headshots Caitlin was just okay in her recent commercial shoot. Her performance was not...
Andrew Sheffield
Great Performance by Andrew in Our Commercial I had the pleasure of working with Andrew on our recent commercial project,...
Ryan Newell
A pleasure of working with Ryan I worked with Ryan in a corporate video, and I must say, he truly shone even...
Drew Horton
Emotional Depth Drew's ability to convey emotion was impressive, and his range was impressive....

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Don't forget to "Ask Before You Cast"

Before making your decision, request your potential actor's profile on Rate My Actors. This is your gateway to peer reviews and genuine feedback about the actor's previous roles, their reliability, and overall professionalism. Remember, it's not just about promise, it's about proven performance. So, before you say "you're hired", ask for that Rate My Actors profile and make an informed choice. Casting made smarter with Rate My Actors!

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Common Questions

 For Actors

How Do I Make An Actor Account?

Before you can customize your profile, click here to register for an actor account. If you already have a review, we may notify you and you can claim the profile to complete your account signup. To claim an actor profile, click on the "Claim" button on your actor profile page.
You can copy your profile link and paste it onto your website, or social media, or share it with casting parties you have done work for to get reviews.

 For Casting

No. We don't display any of your personal information anywhere on the site, other than the position you had on project you did with the actor. You still need to verify that you have the authority to post a rating and reviews, but all ratings submitted will remain anonymous. However, we can’t guarantee that an actor will not be able to identify you by the details you include in your rating and review. We strongly encourage everyone to write constructive reviews without including any identifying information about yourself or others. If our moderators determine the reviews could identify you or anyone else, the post may be removed.


Since Rate My Actors contains only user-generated content, we do not proactively add any actors to our website, every profile has been submitted by a casting party. Relevant law allows us to host actor profiles without having to ask for permission.

Why Rate My Actors?

We provide a robust platform for feedback, networking, and career advancement. 
Your performance is our priority, and your growth is our goal.

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